Memory spikes when resizing an image: when to worry?

As soon as the user snaps an image I need to resize it. Currently I'm doing that by cropping then scaling down by drawing into a context. Looking at the x/y memory graph when I do this, most of the time there's a spike in memory that's about the size of the result image (8MB) before I turn it into data. But sometimes that spike is huge, seemingly the size of the image before it is scaled (18MB). It's very inconsistent when the big spikes appear but it seems like about every 5 photos taken.

I've noticed that I don't see a memory warning when I get the big spike. One time I saw a memory warning that was (X)MB then took a picture that had a (X+5)MB spike and saw no memory warning.

Do I need to worry about this?


Remember....unused memory is wasted memory.

Unless you can bring a device to it's knees realworld, don't panic.