LocationManager generates invalid geofence events

Wondering if there are things that others are doing, or if there's a way to remediate this that I just don't know about.

Here's the flow:

  1. setup a geofence (e.g. around someone's home)
  2. suddenly out of nowhere it generates an exit event, even though the person has not left
  3. if we fetch the location at that point, asking for accuracy, it often returns the same wrong address, but with an accuracy that is < the radius

Really 3 is the biggest problem. Let me explain this a little more clearly: I get the fake exit and I go and ask for a real location and I loop until I get under 100 meters, and it gives me a wrong location with an accuracy of 65m. The actual location is > 65m away so this is just wrong.

In summary: kind of not knowing how to remedy the dual layered failure here.


I believe minimum radius is 200m, especially when using wi-fi.

If your app attempts to work below the minimum radius, all bets are off.

As well, remember that geofencing has a trigger delay to avoid false/repeated exit/entry when straddling the fence.