swipe gestures not recognized when voiceover is turned on in Apple Tv

Facing issue in TVOS,swift 4.2

I have a video view on which left,right,up,down,tap gestures are given to launch a view. When voicceover is turned on in direct touch mode all the gestures are working as expected. When the landmarks mode is turned on getures are not recognised and a bonking noise is indicated.I have used following code to override voiceover gestures and recognize swipe gestures performed by user.

override func accessibilityScroll(_ direction: UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) -> Bool{

if (direction == .down) {


return true



But the bonking is repeatedly indiacated after scroll direction provision

Below lines are also added to set accessibility true for view and allowing direct touch interaction for VoiceOver users

self.view.isAccessibilityElement = true

self.view.accessibilityTraits = UIAccessibilityTraits.allowsDirectInteraction

But the bonking is repeatedly indiacated after setting accessibility traits

Please provide a solution to enable gestures in TVOS when voice over is enabled

Thanks in advance