How do you apply the CIMedianFilter (or any other median filter) on a CIImage?

I am trying to apply a median filter on a CIImage. Can anyone suggest an easy way to accomplish that?

Accepted Reply

Hi rmeinl,

I'm affraid your question is a bit broad.

I suggest you search for the Processing an Image Using Built-in Filters article. That should be a good starting point.


Hi rmeinl,

I'm affraid your question is a bit broad.

I suggest you search for the Processing an Image Using Built-in Filters article. That should be a good starting point.

Additionally you can check the Core Image Filter Reference page to see the names of the various filters. In your case, you would want to use "CIMedianFilter".

Be aware that the doc I linked is no longer being updated, you can query the list of CIFilter names at runtime using the filterNames(inCategories:) method.