Vuforia Augmented Reality app Rejected Minimun Funcionality

My app augmented reallity app is rejected. The famous "minimum funciontality".

My app has this funtionalities

1 - Turn light on/off

2 - Record video with the AR

3 - Take a photo

4 - Home button, main scene, etc..

They said that this is because

"Apps using ARKit should provide rich and integrated augmented reality experiences. We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate more robust AR features and functionality. Note that merely dropping a model into an AR view or replaying animation is not enough."

That is OK.. so why this app

that has the same funtionality than mine.. is available and not mine?.. They do not answer nothing att all why this app is available and not mine..

I add an screenshot of both apps..

The other funtionalities

  • take a photo/video
  • can activate AR but nothing happend only the AR does not appearance.
  • Help button show text below the buttons
  • Change to front camera
  • Access to gallery
  • Change the AR experience.