Apple Location In America is Wrong

The Users who use my app return their latitudes and longitudes to the server. However, I found the what the users in America have returned is can't be located in google map, for example, {"Lat":"39.77291", "Lng":"180.0316"}


Having somewhat a bit of the same issue with an app I’m testing

180.0316 is not a valid longitude. Must be between -180 and +180 ; lat is between -90 and +90.

So, in your case, that should be :

"Lat":"39.77291", "Long":"-179.9684"}

Which is in the middle of the Pacific ocean

In fact, you should just pass :

39.7729, -179.9684

In CLLocation, it is passed as

let loc: CLLocation = CLLocation(latitude: 39.7729, longitude: -179.9684)