iOS prompting to trust the certificate while connecting to 8021x network even though it is valid

iOS is prompting the user to trust our NetServer EAP certificate ( issued by thwate SSL CA - G2) for each 802.1x SSID that is listed in our WPA directory when you connect to them. Once you have pressed ‘Trust’ the device never asks you to do it again. We wanted to check with you as why we are getting prompted inspite of the certificate being properly signed and present in the devices root store as this gives an impression to the user that we are connecting him to non secure network. Because of this the OS does not auto join to 8021x network even though it is enabled in mobileconfig.

We also checked the following if we can connect by manually trusting the network. Still no luck

Expected behaviour:

User should not be prompted to trust the certificate at any stage when we connects to the 8021x network.

Additional details:

Certificates bundled as part of mobileconfig:


Name: thawte SSL CA - G2

Type:Intermediate certificate authority

Common name: thawte Primary Root CA

Version: 3


Certificate name: thawte Primary Root CA

Type : Root certificate authority

Common name:thawte Primary Root CA

Version: 3


Issued by: thawte SSL CA - G2

Version: 3