URLCache behavior in case of Post/Put/Delete request


I tried to execute http request using URLSession and related APIs as shown in the sequence below.

Is it correct behavior that 2nd GET request gets response from cache?


  • Set URLCache with disk cache(50MB) and without memory cache to URLSession(configuration:).
  • All requests use "useProtocolCachePolicy"
  • All response sizes are less than 1KB


  1. Execute GET request

    response is cached

  2. Execute POST/PUT/DELETE request for same url

    response code is 200

  3. Execute GET request for same url

    cache response is returned

I expected 2nd GET request (3.) to return response from server since POST/PUT/DELETE request changes server resource.

I have 2 questions.

  1. Does URLCache supports cache invalidation in case of POST/PUT/DELETE so that subsequent GET requests fetch latest response from server (This behavior is supported in frameworks like OkHttp).
  2. In case URLCache does not support above, how should I implement cache purge in case of POST/PUT/DELETE?

    I tried to use URLCache#removeCachedResponse(for:) api to manually remove cache in case of POST/PUT/DELETE, but didn't work properly (cache was not deleted). Maybe because of https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/298232#298232