Offline HLS playlist download

Concerning downloading HLS playlist to device for offline playback.


VOD content.

Master playlist - M

Selected variant playlist - V

Time of original download - T1

Current time - T2

V at T1

<attributes at start of variant>


<date range marker M1>

<different segment S1>

<end M1>


<date range marker M2>

<different segment S2>

<end M2>


<end variant>

V at T1 was downloaded to the device for later playback. At time T2, for whatever reason, assume that the system decided to try downloading the same content again. At T2, the variant playlist V looks as below

V at T2

<attributes at start of variant>


<date range marker M3>

<different segment S3>

<end M3>


<date range marker M4>

<different segment S4>

<end M4>


<end variant>

When attempting the download, will the system intelligently download just the delta between the two playlists? Ie: just download M3 and M4 and replace them in the originally downloaded playlist?

Or will V at T2 be downloaded in it's entirety?

Do let me know if the question is unclear as written and I can attempt to rephrase.

thanks in advance.


If you start a new download, it's a new download, regardless you change the content or not...

And you arrived at this conclusion how?

Also I am specifically asking about the download of the HLS playlist itself and not the segments referenced within.

If you have actual documentation or links substantiating the above then please do provide them.

