Now Playing view (WKInterfaceNowPlaying) in watchOS controls other players besides my app

In my watch app, I have placed a Now Playing view/widget (WKInterfaceNowPlaying) onto an interface controller using Storyboard.

In my iPhone app, I have implemented support for updating MPNowPlayingInfoCenter, and, I have also implemented a remote command hanlder using MPRemoteCommandCenter.

This sll works beautifully - when my iOS App is playing a video on the iPhone, the watch OS WKInterfaceNowPlaying view shows the meta data set via the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and the buttons correctly send remote commands to my iOS App via the remote command center as expected.

HOWEVER - big however - if I play a video on my iPhone using some other apps, like for example in Safari, or using the TV app, or using some non-Apple apps also (BBC and Hulu) - so if I play a video on Hulu, then open my Watch app, the now playing view is showing the meta data for the Hulu video, and, the play/pause and other control buttons all work, to control Hulu, from within MY app.

IS THIS intended behavior? Is this really how its supposed to work?
There is ONE app I found which does not do this, OVERCAST (Podcasting app) - with Overcast, the Watch app Now Playing screen never shows other app's videos, or controls them. It always and only shows its own app's meta data.
Is there a way to control this and keep the Now Playing view in my own app "Private" so it only displays and controls content playing in my iPhone companion app?

Thank you.
