PDF document implementation

To preview and print watermarked PDF pages we subclassed PDFDocument so its method pageClass() returns custom class WatermarkedPDFPage, which in turn overrides two methods - draw(with: PDFDisplayBox, to context: CGContext) for MacOS version 10.12 and above (marked @available(OSX 10.12, *)) and draw(with: PDFDisplayBox) for MacOS 10.11 (which currently is our development platform).

At the beginning of each draw(…) method we invoked respective super.draw(…), and then draw some custom elements (as simplified test - just single black line).

Custom watermark elements always appear on OS X 10.11 and never - on OS X 10.12, although PDF page itself can be previewed and printed (which shows that super.draw(…) was called successfully).

Has there been a change to the basic underlying method here?
