Siri Shortcut did not support textual/spoken feedback

I was developing an simple app which support Siri shortcut to invoke the intents extensions. I found that when setting the siri to "English Language" on the ios system, all the functions like textual/spoken feedback acts as normal, But when I changed the siri Language to "Chinese", the siri textual/spoken feedback was always the sentence "Fine, Check it please (in chinese)", which was missing the Success Template defined in the .intentdefinition file.

Is it that the siri texual/spoken feedback in language other than english in the custom intent haven't been implemented yet? or it is a bug for other languages as Chinese.

Accepted Reply

At the end, I found that the reason that Siri did not work for Chinese is that I did not add localization support for the .intentdefinition file. After adding the localization string file for the Chinese(Simplified), the Siri Shortcut gave me the right textual/spoken feedback like a charm.


At the end, I found that the reason that Siri did not work for Chinese is that I did not add localization support for the .intentdefinition file. After adding the localization string file for the Chinese(Simplified), the Siri Shortcut gave me the right textual/spoken feedback like a charm.