Deleting How to delete an ASSET from Photo Library using localised title

I am trying include some code in a new App to delete an asset from the Photo Library.

I know the filename (as it shows in photolibrary) ie img_001.jpg or movie_name.mp4

In order to delete an asset using deleteAsset (photo,video) you need to supply a PHASSET(s) object(s)

I was hoping to retrieve using a PHAsset.fetchAssets call (but cannot use a predicate of localized title) as not in list of predicates for this class.

Localized title can be supplied as a predicate to PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections but this only deals in albums/collections not photo or video titles.

I do not want to have to retrieve every item in the camera roll (then loop round to find matching filename before issuing deleteAsset command)

I dont understand why the predicate localizedTitle has not been made available to the PHAsset class/api.

You can use the localidentifier but i dont know that.

Been driving me nuts for days now trying to find a solution to the above.

Manual deletion using PHOTOS app is not a solution for me.

So looking for some simple efficient code to identify the asset-id using the filename/localizedtitle, then pass that asset-id to deleteAsset call.