iMessage Apps getting Rejected for Minimum Design

Has anyone else been getting iMessage applications rejected by Apple for Minimum design? See below. I have had a number of iMessage apps that I built through the iMessage Template in XCode that have been rejected. Not sure if Apple is starting to get very stringent on approving iMessage Sticker apps or if there is something else going on. These are sticker apps. There are no ways to elevate the design as far as I know. The content is what is important.

Guideline 4.2.6 - Design - Commercialized Templates and App Generation Services

We noticed that your app appears to be created from an app generation service or a commercialized template, but it was not directly submitted by the owner or provider of the content within the app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, this app will need to be submitted by the owner of the content or the provider of content within the app under their own Apple Developer Program account.

Another acceptable option is to create a single binary to host all your clients’ content in an aggregated or “picker” model, such as a restaurant finder with separate pages for each client restaurant, or as an event app with separate entries for each client event.

Note that regardless of which option you pursue, all apps submitted to the App Store should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. Apps that are not sufficiently useful, unique or "app-like" will be rejected for not meeting the standards outlined in Guideline 4.2.0 of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Please note: Providing proof of rights for the 3rd party content within your app does not suffice. You must provide documentation that shows ownership of the business or organization for which the app is designed.


>There are no ways to elevate the design as far as I know.

It's not about design - as you say, content is what's important. Any ***** can design a sticker app. It takes a special ***** to get one into the store that dishes up unique content.

Not sure what you're asking, tho, other than how to break out. If there were a simple recipe, everyone would be using it, then no one would be special.


Is it possible the main part of the rejection is your real issue and it wasn't actually about the quality of the content?

"it was not directly submitted by the owner or provider of the content within the app."

Did you get any resolutio to this? We are facing same issue. It seems apple wanted to have devloper account for each app and that too on individual client name.