What does forcing people to give email at first app open do to usage?

I run into a lot of apps that I can't even find out how they work without giving my email address to start an account. I usually just delete the app unless there is a compelling reason I want to share info just to see how it works. Does that happen to you too? What do you think the cost is to ask upfront for email address? What does getting the email do for you compared to using the app itself to communicate with the user?


>...can't even find out how they work without giving my email address

Overlooking that the ASRGs discourage such a requirement...

In general, it's all about the money, and how personal information has worth. They only care about harvesting as much per$onal data as they can, and those apps are just a means to that end. Last I checked, a valid email is worth approx. USD$40...if you know what it cost you to get that app in the store, you can calculate how many validated users you need to ensnare to make a profit.

The smart ones will fake their email and/or delete the app and/or leave a negative review...users that give up good info, and stick around, self-validate their gullibility. Those are the ones that privacy thieves love the most - the app is just a shiny object to attract prey.

Not sure why you want to force email release at the very beginning just to help w/app support. Perhaps if you talked about your app(s) someone could offer ways to proceed that won't tick off review and users in the bargain.