Updating app to to use React Native (iOS9)

We’ve recently updated our app to use React Native instead of Ionic, and ionic’s minimum iOS version is 8.0 and React Native’s is 9.0.

The problem is that because the previous version of the app supported iOS 8.0 and above, we can’t upload a new version of the app using React Native because it’s support is from iOS 9.0 and above. We get an error (linked below) when trying to upload the app to iTunes connect.

We've tried set the Deployment Target iOS 8 (from 9) however this resulted in the app crashing when trying to run on an iOS8 device.

We’ve checked our app stats and there are no users using iOS 8.0 so if we were able to upload the new versio of the app it would not cause problems for any existing users.




React Native: http://www.reactnative.com/

Ionic: https://ionicframework.com/


Is there any way we can update our iOS8 version of the app to use the React Native version of the app (iOS9).

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

