Compiling multiple .metal files into one .metallib

I’m currently writing some custom Core Image filters using Metal. For the sake of structure I want to put the different kernels into different

files with some common includes like you would do with “normal” source files.

However, when the

tool bundles the different
files created by the Metal compiler into one
file, only the kernel functions defined in the first input
file given to
are visible. Functions from the other
files don’t seem to be included. What’s the reason for this?

I thought (as is the default compilation behavior for Metal files) all Metal sources get compiled into one library that is then used by every custom

class to instantiate their internal
with the function they need.

I now ended up compiling a

file for each custom filter with custom build rules and copying all of them them into my framework within a custom build phase. This don’t seem to be the intended way…


Each kernel ust have a unique name for this to work even if defined in separate .metal files,. Is that the case?

Yes, definitely. I guess otherwise the linker would also complain about duplicate symbols.

> compiling a

file for each custom filter with custom build rules and copying all of them them into my framework within a custom build phase.

How do you do that? I can't seem to figure it out. I get lost in Xcode project settings.

I recently responded to a similar question on StackOverflow showing the process: