What else to consider when setting activeMaxExposureDuration?

The docs say "You may also override the default value by setting this property to a value between activeFormat.maxExposureDuration and activeFormat.minExposureDuration.". On the iPhone XS the maxExposureDuration is 1 sec. However, when setting activeMaxExposureDuration to e.g. 1s, 1/2s etc., the maximum exposure duration only changes from 1/17s to a maximum of 1/14s.

I am also setting activeVideoMaxFrameDuration to the same value.

Because it was mentioned in the docs, I also set AVCaptureDeviceInput's unifiedAutoExposureDefaultsEnabled property to YES, but that did not make a difference.

Exposure mode is continous auto-exposure.

Is there anything else that needs to be taken into consideration?


Same problem ;(

What I've figured out, is that the activeMaxExposureDuration as well as activeVideoMinFrameDuration/activeVideoMaxFrameDuration is not working now for the photo resolution formats (the last one in the list of capture device formats) and if you've added the AVCapturePhotoOutput to the session.