Analytics are 2 days late?

Hi everyone,
I published my first app (a game) yesterday, and thought I could monitor my launch day campaign results right away and eventually tweak it. Unfortunately I saw the closest day you can select is 2 days ago.
Is this normal? No way to track the previous day like in Google Analytics? Is there any other metrics tool available?
Thanks in advance

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>I was not referring to sales and trends, but to the App Analytics tab

In your example....same thing, same data:

As for x 'days late', keep in mind that devs are told that daily reports are not final. I consider them estimates, based on predictive analytics...eye candy in the short term...reporting theater. Anything inside a week is early, not late. Best to look instead at slightly longer trends - weeks, at the least, months better yet.


According to the docs,

Daily reports are available the following day.

...w/this caveat:

At least one app unit sold.

See Sales and Trends Report Availability