How to get geo notification using “While Using the App” location service

Hello Apple Developer Team,

I am using geofence service in one of my application.

"When I have set allow location service as Always then geo-notification is getting, but when I have set allow location service as While Using the App then geo-notification is not getting."

The above sentence is correct as per apple documents.

but when I have set allow location service as While Using the App in the "Google Map application - iOS Devices" the geo-notification is getting.

Apple developer document says, If you are using "Region Monitoring" then you have set Allow location service as "Always" then my question is How Google Map app works "Region Monitoring" using "While Using the App" in the iOS Devices.

Any other way to get geo-notification when allow location service as "While Using the App" in the my application.

Please guide me to achive this things.



I understand that always is needed if you want to launch App automatically.

If you want geofencing when app in use, It must be possible to compute, withing the app, if you are inside the geofencing area and then notify or do what you need.

I suppose that's what Google maps is doing.