CBPheripheralManager Dictionary Key Support

In the CBPeripheralManager documentation, the startAdvertising method receives a dictionary containing the data you would like to advertise. According to the documentation, CBPeripheralManager.startAdvertising only accepts two possible keys in its dictionary argument: CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey and CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey.

However, in Apple's documentation for Turning an iOS Device into an iBeacon they suggest that you are able to pass the dictionary that is returned from CLBeaconRegion's peripheralData method. The dictionary returned from this method contains 1 key value pair with the key being named "kCBAdvDataAppleBeaconKey" and the value being the proximityUUID, major, minor, and beacon identifier.

My Question is: How does the PeripheralManager.startAdvertisement method receive a dictionary with key "kCBAdvDataAppleBeaconKey" and still broadcast without error if the only keys it supports are CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey and CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey?