Bug? Remote Control Events do not work when AudioSession category is set with options

I am using

-(void)remoteControlReceivedWithEvent:(UIEvent *)event

in combination with

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];

instead of MPRemoteCommandCenter.

With previous SDKs I was able to use this perfectly and remoteControlReceivedWithEvent was getting called every single time.

I don't know starting with which SDK but with 12.1 SDK, I couldn't get this method called by the system until I set withOptions parameter to 0 instead of anything else as shown below. So, here comes my question. Why setting the category with options causes this problem and why setting it to 0 fixes the problem and how can I set the option without causing the problem?

[session setCategory:sessionCategory
              withOptions:0 //AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDuckOthers

I also noticed that if I set the category with no options and later try to set the option like the following, it will again stop sync with the remote control events.

       UInt32 uiothersShouldDuck = true;
        nerr =AudioSessionSetProperty (
                                 sizeof (uiothersShouldDuck),

I am just unable to set any options, at the beginning or later. Why?

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