AVAudioUnitEQ not cutting frequencies

I am trying to use a AVAudioUnitEQ to remove some frequencies from an audio file. I only want to preserve the frequencies between 100 and 150 hertz. Using the code below looks all frequencies have been affected, some more than others, but still:

    let engine = AVAudioEngine()
    let player = AVAudioPlayerNode()
    let eq = AVAudioUnitEQ(numberOfBands: 2)
    let lowPass = eq.bands[0]
    lowPass.filterType = .lowPass
    lowPass.frequency = 150.0
    lowPass.bypass = false

    let highPass = eq.bands[1]
    highPass.filterType = .highPass
    highPass.frequency = 100.0
    highPass.bypass = false

    engine.connect(player, to: eq, format: format!)
    engine.connect(eq, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: format!)

Am I doing anything wrong? How can I achieve what I need otherwise? Thanks!