How to update accessory isReachable value, when i come back from background to foreground?


Situation: i am developing an app, which manages HomeKit accessories. For example i do that:

1. Accessory is power on, and i see it via app. Also in foreground mode HMAccessoryDelegate method:

func accessoryDidUpdateReachability(HMAccessory)

works fine and i can handle status of my accessory.

2. I switch app to background mode.

3. I turn off accessory (i mean completely power off) so it must be unreachable.

4. I switch app to foreground mode, but accessory is still reachable.

method func accessoryDidUpdateReachability(HMAccessory) — not called.

value accessory.isReachable not updated.

Example of code when i go to foreground:

    func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        if let home = HomeStore.sharedStore.home {
            for accessory in home.accessories {
                print(accessory.isReachable) //not updated
                for service in {
                    for characteristic in service.characteristics {
                        characteristic.readValue { (error) in //updated
                            if error == nil {
                                let notification = Notification(name: Notification.Name(rawValue: "UpdatedCharacteristic"))

Question: how to update isReachable values of accessories, when i come back from background mode to foreground?
