Differences between SearchAds API and Front End


I trying to get relevant campaign kpis via SearchAds API. Therefore I using environment https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v1/reports/campaigns/%campaign_id%/searchterms. Based on localSpend.amounts values are equal compared to the values which are shown in front end (https://app.searchads.apple.com/cm/app/?tab=0). However, number of impressions, taps and conversions differ. It seems that impressions < 10 are not considered within response. In this case I always get 'granularity': [{'localSpend': {'amount': '0', 'currency': 'EUR'} or 'granularity': [{'localSpend': {'amount': '0.8407', 'currency': 'EUR'}. As you can see, it does not depend on available amount.

But it seems, that only searchterms is affected. Values via https://api.searchads.apple.com/api/v1/reports/campaigns/%campaign_id%/adgroups are correct.

So you have any idea, why values differ using searchterms environment?

Best regards,
