iCloud does not appear on open, save or move to dialogs for Mac Document based app


I have an existing Core Data document based app, my document class is a sublcass of NSPersistentDocument, and I use an XML store type. My next update will move to being Mac App Store exclusive, so I can take advantage of iCloud features and I want to add iCloud Documents.

I turned on the iCloud Capability in XCode, and checked the "iCloud Documents" option under "Services:" I'm using the default container option. I can see the container has been created in the local file system, and I can also see in listed on developer.apple.com under my account > Certifiates, Identifiers & Profiles > iCloud Containers.

In my App Delegate's +initialize method I use GCD to dispatch a call to [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:nil] on a background queue. This method correctly returns the URL for the container.

However, when I run my app, I don't see the iCloud container listed in either the sidebar or popup menu in open and save dialogs, and neither do I see it in popup menu in the Move To... dialogue.

Am I missing some additional steps?

