UITextField does not display NSTextAttachments


I'm trying to implement a tokenized UITextField, one that mixes text and tokens to form a template for naming files. When I create an NSAttributedString containing text and a number of NSTextAttachment instances representing my tokens, everything displays correctly in UITextView instances, but the NSTextAttachment instances appear to be removed with I display the NSAttributedString using a UITextField.

I want to use UITextField rather than UITextView because I need to make this part of a UITableView-based form. I've tried to make UITextView behave like UITextField, but that seems to end in tears with lots of issues (horizontal scrolling issues, selection adornment clipping, etc.).

Does anyone know of a means of implementing tokens within a UITextField? I see a number of tokenized UITextField examples, but they all try to mimic Mail which does not mingle text with tokens.

