PHImageFileURLKey missing from .png images in iOS 12.1

It looks like between iOS 12.01 and 12.1 the PHImageFileURLKey went missing from the info dictionary passed in to the result handler block of [PHImageManager requestImageForAsset: targetSize: contentMode: options: resultHandler:]. It only seems to happen when loading PNG images from thge photo library. The request call spits out the following to the console:

JPEGDecompressSurface : Picture decode failed: e00002c7

[ImageManager] FigPhotoDecompressionContainerDecodeImageForIndexAsync -[PLFigPreheatItem startPreheatRequestWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 returned -536870201 from /var/mobile/Media/PhotoData/Thumbnails/V2/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0715.PNG/5005.JPG

It may not mean anything, because it is presumably looking for the jpeg thumbnail, but this error did not occur on iOS12.01


How can this problem be solved?

Is there any workaround with this? Thanks.