CBCentralManager scanForPeripherals not finding BLE peripheral on iOS 12.1

I have the following code as a test example:

extension BLEViewController: CBCentralManagerDelegate {
  func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
    switch central.state {
    case .unknown, .resetting, .unsupported, .unauthorized, .poweredOff:
      print("central.state is .poweredOff")
    case .poweredOn:
      print("central.state is .poweredOn")
      centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: nil)

  func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager,
                      didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral,
                      advertisementData: [String : Any],
                      rssi RSSI: NSNumber) {


When I run this on my iPhone 8 with iOS 11.4 it finds my BLE peripheral and the peripheral also shows up in Settings->Bluetooth->"Other Devices". On iOS 12.1 and 12.1.1 Beta it does not find my BLE peripheral, yet the peripheral will show up in Settings->Bluetooth->"Other Devices".

Anyone having issues like this with 12.1? TIA.