Access permissions on Mojave

Hi, I just had my app rejected from the Mac App Store for the following reason: "We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their microphone but does not clarify the use of this feature in the permission modal alert."

The macOS app in question is a sound editor and, as far as I can tell, this permission is only requested when the user explicitly initiates a sound recording, so I really don't understand the reviewer's point here. Anyway, debugging this brought up a couple of questions:

1. Is there a way to reset an app's OS-level access permissions to a "clean slate" so that I can test it in precisely the same conditions as the App Store reviewer? On my computer, the app obviously already has access to the microphone, so I cannot test whether this dialog is being presented without user action in some circumstances.

2. How can I control the wording of the dialog presented to the user when the app accesses the microphone?

Thanks a lot,


Replying to myself in case anyone else comes across this.

1. The command "tccutil reset Microphone" does this.

2. Add a NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key with the relevant description to the Info.plist file.