Custom annotationView memory problem

Hi everyone

I am relatively new to ios development, and I've been struggling with my app for a week now. I need to put around 10.000 annotations on a map. Each annotation has an image, and this image is rotated and translated and then drawn into a 100x100 CGRect. When running vmmap it looks like coreanimation creates a lot of objects that each take up memory. Each annotation is a moving object so in principle i would like to update its direction and coordinate 15 times a second when close and when zoomed far out, every 5 second may be enough.

I have a feeling that i chose the wrong strategy. I am speculating if rendering all the images merged into one layer using MKOverlays and then having the annotations in front of this without images would solve the problem. Right now it seems kinda silly i have so make 100x100 boxes overlapping anyway.

Else I am very open to other suggestions and strategies?
