Sharing a pdf url through share extension

Hi Apple Team,

We have an app feature in SME app which enables user to share docs,pdf's,images, urls etc.

While we trying to share a certain kind of pdf url : then we are not able to share it to our app.

We have included all the extensions in the plist.

Plist Data :



























Thanks in advance.

  • Safari is the issue, try sharing from a Chrome browser on an iOS device..

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I am currently experiencing the same issue described above. When the URL endpoint is a PDF document the share option is not available for my app in the share menu. All of the NSExtensionActivationRule(s) are thrown in our plist to no avail. I will be implementing this on the Android side tomorrow to help make sense of this.

Please consider the issue alive and well...

Answer in this stackoverflow resolved this issue for our app. Essentially sharing PDF from Safari has two ActivationRules both PDF and URL, with Info.plist above you are limiting it to be only one ActivationRule and if it has more than one the app will not show up.