CSS for UIFontTextStyleTitle1 for use in WKWebView?

Webkit documentation here: h t t p s : / /webkit.org/blog/3709/using-the-system-font-in-web-content/ states:

Going beyond the system font, iOS has dynamic type behavior, which can provide an additional level of fit and finish to your content. These text styles identify more than simply a particular font family; instead, they represent an entire style, including size and weight. These styles are therefore characterized by values given to the more-general

CSS property. The supported values are

font: -apple-system-body

font: -apple-system-headline

font: -apple-system-subheadline

font: -apple-system-caption1

font: -apple-system-caption2

font: -apple-system-footnote

font: -apple-system-short-body

font: -apple-system-short-headline

font: -apple-system-short-subheadline

font: -apple-system-short-caption1

font: -apple-system-short-footnote

font: -apple-system-tall-body

But what about UIFontTextStyleTitle1 2, and 3?