The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name "xxxxx" in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 5.2.1 of the

The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name "xxxxx" in the app or its metadata, as required by Guideline 5.2.1 of the App Store Review Guidelines.

Next Steps

Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Sahatty name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account. If your client does not yet have an Apple Developer account, they can enroll in the Apple Developer Program through the Apple Developer portal.


My name : Hayder Jareh

my company name :HJareh

I have DUNS number for ( HJareh )

I just want to clarify that my company name is “HJareh”

Which has 2 apps: first one :xxxxx the second :aaaaa will add to app store next 10 days

apple want from me change my company name from HJareh to xxxxx in order to add to App Store or what ?

this issue since 40 days or more



Without seeing the same meta data/screenshots that you & review have seen, it's pretty difficult to comment.

But I do know this... HJareh & Sahatty are clearly not the same. Pick one, as long as you own it.