DAE files Xcode 10

Everytime I convert a DAE to SCN I get the following error when building my app

Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

in addition to these warnings

/scntool:-1: Could not load ModelIO.framework ((null))
/scntool:-1: Could not load SceneKit.framework ((null))
/scntool:-1: Could not load PhysicsKit.framework ((null))
/scntool:-1: Could not load Jet.framework ((null))
/scntool:-1: Could not load SpriteKit.framework ((null))

Which I also get them even when running the Scenekit template ship

Please help.

Thank you in Advance,

Answered by mjeragh in 336225022

I figured it out, it was in the prefrences command line options was not selected.

It is wierd that it was not set during installation of XCode 10 as in previous versions

Accepted Answer

I figured it out, it was in the prefrences command line options was not selected.

It is wierd that it was not set during installation of XCode 10 as in previous versions


I'm having the same exact issue. Could you provide a few more details on how you were able to resolve the problem?

ln -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/10.0\ \(14A5261u\) /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport

link https://gist.github.com/steipete/d9b44d8e9f341e81414e86d7ff8fb62d

goto preferenes (cmd ,) select locations tab, make sure command line tools is selected Xcode 10.1

DAE files Xcode 10