How to advertise a cloud service without rejection for app store?

Today we received a rejerction of a minor update of our app. We have a kind of sticky note at the bottom of a list of content, that tells the user, that he or sche can integrate more sources with our payed cloud sercice. A button links to our homepage. It's just an option and the ad disappears, if the user clicks on the button to get more information.

We also use in-app-purchases for some additional features of the app, but we can't migrate our booking and paymend process of our cloud source to an in-app-purche, not only for technical but also for economic reasons. I think, it should be possible to link external payed services, because other apps with payed service like LinkedIn don't use in-app-purchase either.

It is very frustrating. Microsoft's review process is also accurate on the App Store, but it does not limit software vendors to that extent. Since the market for macOS apps is relatively small compared to Windows apps, it is not easy to convince shareholders or management to continue product development under these circumstances.

Has someone an idea, how to link information about an external service, that increases the user experience of an app? Do we have to use a special wording like "optional" or "learn more" instead of something like "get our cloud service"? We will also offer free accounts in addition to payed accounts for our cloud service soon. Would this make a difference?


I think you are running into this problem:

3.1.3(a) “Reader” Apps: Apps may allow a user to ...(do lots of things)... provided that you agree not to directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods are not designed to discourage use of in-app purchase.

And, at least within the app, you are directly targeting iOS users to use your website. So what you might do is make that ad at the bottom go to all users (i.e. Microsoft and iOS) and have it say something like - "iOS users please use Apple's IAP, other users - if you can't access Apple's IAP use our website by tapping this ad." That at least makes it confusing as to whether or not you are violating 3.1.3(a).

It'a a macOS app.

The user can optionally integrate content of our cloud service in addition to local content on his or her Mac. How can we tell the user, that there is a cloud service?

>we received a rejerction

Best, when mentioning a rejection that is behind your post, to quote the rejection, in full, in your post, thanks.

>How to advertise a cloud service

Ouch - I'd wonder if review saw that as the app's only reason to exist. Without seeing the rejection, tho...


Tags: See For Best Results - Read the Label

>It'a a macOS app.

I believe that the guidelines are meant to apply, mutatis mutandis, to Mac apps.

>How can we tell the user, that there is a cloud service

If the user is using a Mac, and you are operating as a Reader App, you tell them the service is available using an IAP. You could try to tell them about all of their options (e.g. "register on our website or using IAP from within this app") but App Review may reject that as "directly targeting iOS users to use a different method" rather than accepting it as "general communication not designed to discourage IAP"

What do you mean with IAP?

IAP=in app purchase