AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue -25204

I have a long-lost question about my application clicks and control of other applications. I use AXUIElement to implement this feature, but I have tried it for a long time, using OC before Mac OS 10.8 is achievable, but after 10.9 return AXError -25204, Please help me to see why.Thanks & Best Regards

OC Code:

AXUIElementRef element = AXUIElementCreateApplication(537);//537 is a running app's pid

CFTypeRef frontWindow;

AXError err = AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(element, kAXWindowsAttribute,&frontWindow);

NSLog(@"%d %@",err,frontWindow); //-25204 (null)

CFArrayRef names;

AXError err1 = AXUIElementCopyAttributeNames(element, &names);

NSLog(@"%d %@",err1,names); //-25204 (null)

CFIndex count = 0;

AXError err2 = AXUIElementGetAttributeValueCount(element, kAXChildrenAttribute, &count);

NSLog(@"%d %ld",err2,(long)count);//-25204 0

Swift Code:

let appRef = AXUIElementCreateApplication(569) //569 is a running app's pid

var count : CFIndex = 0

let err = AXUIElementGetAttributeValueCount(appRef, kAXWindowsAttribute as CFString, &count)

print(err.rawValue) //err.rawValue return -25204

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