'Add to Reading List' share menu item doesn't work in Mojave

The following code doesn't work anymore in Mojave:

if let url = URL(string: "https://apple.com"),
   let listService = NSSharingService(named: NSSharingService.Name.addToSafariReadingList),
   listService.canPerform(withItems: [url])
       listService.perform(withItems: [url])

The code is executed without any errors within the app, but nothing is being added to the Safari reading list. Please note that this code is just one of the many ways to show an 'Add to Reading List' item in an app. In all cases it won't work if it's 'third party' app.

A lot of non-Apple apps that offer a 'Add to Reading List' share menu item, suffer from the same problem: nothing new appears in the Safari reading list.

In the Console I saw a few errors indicating it is related to AppleEvent sandboxing, introduced in Mojave. So I added a

item with a description to the Info.plist, but without any success.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?