Can't Remove SafariFamily


I have recently removed Safari Technological Preview using AppCleaner from

The issue that I am facing is that there is a residual file named "SafariFamily" (with no extension) that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what i tried.

Dragging the item into the trash would result in the error message:

"The operation can’t be completed because one or more required items can’t be found. (Error code -43)"

Placing the file in a folder, put the folder in trash and trying to empty trash would result in:

"The operation can’t be completed because the item “Folder” is in use."

Using sudo rm on the file results in:

"rm: SafariFamily: Operation not permitted"

I have also tried deleting the item from safe mode as will as using the First Aid in Disk Utility.

Any idea how I can remove it?

Thank you, this worked right away!😁

Thanks a ton. This really worked. Pesky files sitting for almost an year got removed today


I have done your direction but terminal didn't work, it wasn't except to type my password although I have been able to write (sudo rm -R and path to file safarifamily in trash)

Help me, please!

Thanks got rid of the whole damn Safari family. What a relief.
Can't Remove SafariFamily