Beware about NSDate category and using INVoiceShortcutCenter


Since i added Siri Shortcuts, my app doesn't work as expected, i found why :

I have NSDate+Tools with different methods like

- (NSDate*) startOfDay

I found that INVoiceShortcutCenter add/rewrite many methods

Example : NSDate responds differently to selector "startOfDay" before / after using sharedCenter

NSLog( @"NSDate startOfDay : %d" , [[NSDate date] respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"startOfDay")] );
INVoiceShortcutCenter* center = [INVoiceShortcutCenter sharedCenter];
if( center )
                NSLog( @"NSDate startOfDay : %d" , [[NSDate date] respondsToSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"startOfDay")] );

It display :

NSDate startOfDay : 0
NSDate startOfDay : 1

You can find all methods added with

NSLog( @"%@", [[NSDate date] performSelector:@selector(_methodDescription)] );

Many methods are added and can overwrite yours if they have the same signature

What I do not understand is that it only happens on a real device and not in the simulator.

Thanks for any information