We contact you to ask about in-app product reviews.

We contact you to ask about in-app product reviews.

We inquire about whether or not we can apply for a review by the following case.

We want to include three in-app products in one version and sell two products for 7 days after initial release.
After 7 days, we would like to expose one product with 2 products together.

1. Apply for review with 3 in-app products in version 1.1.3
2. Exposure of only 2 items for 7 days after initial release, then adjust to scheduler to expose 1 additional item together.
Therefore, after 7 days of the initial release, there are 3 products exposure.

If we are applying for a review in the above case, is it okay to write down the reason for the above in the review note?

And also, If it is difficult to proceed above process, Please let us know ways to divide item exposure period and sell items without affecting the evaluation guideline.