Adjusting Size of MKMapView Labels

The map view in my universal iOS app works well, and even the annotations appear correctly. But on iPhones, the country/state/city/etc. labels appear extremely large and oversized. Here's a link to a screenshot of how it appears on iPhone 8 Plus:

The width of the map view is almost maximum, close to the width of the screen, but the country label, as seen in the screenshot (AUSTRALIA), is oversized and thus out of view.

Q: Is there any way to adjust/reduce those label font sizes?

Sincere thanks for any help.

Accepted Reply

There is no API for you to control the size of these labels. They respect the user's text size settings found in Settings - any chance you have those settings adjusted?


There is no API for you to control the size of these labels. They respect the user's text size settings found in Settings - any chance you have those settings adjusted?

Thank you so much, edford. I'd been struggling with this for some days now.

You're absolutely right; the text settings were cranked up to the fullest, and adjusting that did have a direct correlation with the map labels.

I'll update my question over at StackOverflow with your answer as well, so that it might help others with the same issue.

Thanks again!