Siri voice shortcuts did not work in Russian

If you use Siri with Russian language then she will perform your voice shortcut only one time.

Next she always show error: "I'am sorry this app have some problem" (Translation from Russian)

This can be fixed by iPhone restart. And you can start your voice shortcut one more time.

This did not happen when you use English as Siri language.

On English Siri start your voice shortcut without a problem any number of times.

This is not our app bug because Apple Shortcuts App (Workflow App) have the same problem.

You can read users comments by search word "Простите" in

Siri UI Screenshot

Bugreport: 44755632


Do you have shortcuts implemented as NSActivity or intents? I have it implemented as simple NSAcitivities for a moment and better re-tested now for Russian language and shortcuts always open as intented. I have it also tested in Japanese, German + 5 more languages, NSActivity way of integration seems to be working alright.

I used INPlayMediaIntent

NSUserActivity have other problems