Issue when I try to open a project in another Mac machine


I don't know why this is happening, but I can't seem to open a XCode project in another Mac machine. Well, the project opens correctly but if I try to run the app there's an error: "Interface Builder could not open the document LaunchScreen.storyboard because it does not exist"

So, I can't open the Main.Storyboard. All the files are supossed to be fine because I have them in my Google Drive account and I haven't deleted any file. I have just downloaded the project from my Google Drive. However, if I open the project in my another Mac machine it works well.

Also, I think I've installed the same version of XCode in both machines, so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you in advance!


Did you do a Clean Build Folder on the Mac where it does not work ?

I've just tried it and the issue persists. It looks like it can't find the Main.storyboard or something is wrong with it because there's a "!" next to it, but it's weird, as far as I know I haven't deleted the file.

Edit: I think I've figured out why... I've tried to open the location by CTRL + Click on the Main.storyboard and it didn't show the file in the folder so I'm sure, the Main.storyboard was created in another path when I created the project which is weird, but well, I fixed the issue by creating another Main.storyboard and deleting the another one.