Failed to initialize an AVAssetExportSession object in new simulators (iPhone XS, XR, XMax)

When instantiate a AVAssetExportSession instance with either of the 2 methods:

AVAsset *asset = [AVAsset assetWithURL:videoUrl];
AVAssetExportSession *exporter =  [AVAssetExportSession exportSessionWithAsset:asset presetName:AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality];


AVAssetExportSession *exporter = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset:asset presetName:AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality];

on simulator iPhone XS, iPhone XR, or iPhone X Max, they both always return nil, Whereas on all other older simulators it returns an correctly initialized object.

I haven't tried on those real devices yet since I haven't bought any. I was wondering if this is an iOS 12 bug. Has anyone encountered the same problems?


Same issue.

I don't have the new phone. But it seems work fine on iPhone Xs Max from my client.

But because of it, I cannot track another issue.

I hope XCode 10.1 with new simulator will fix it.