After XCode 10 Upgrade Unit Tests fail to execute

Since I've upgraded to XCode 10, Unit Tests fail before they are being executed with the following error "Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted. Underlying error: Test session exited(1) without checking in."

In the console I am also getting the message "

NSLocalizedDescription=The bundle “UnitTests” couldn’t be loaded


Unfortunately, I have no clue why the bundle couldn't be loaded. I'm using CocoaPods for Firebase/Core, but it does not seem to me that this is related.

After googling I found some posts by people who fixed a similar issues by making sure that the deployment targets for all bundles are set to iOS 12. That did not work for me.

Deleting the Unit Test target and creating a new one from within XCode 10 also did not fix it.

Only starting a completely new project makes the UnitTests run in XCode 10.

Has anyone had a similar problem and fixed it other than by updating the deployment targets?

Many Thanks


Do you have multiple UI test devices/simulators set to "Test on the selected destinations concurrently" ?

I did, and turning that OFF (in other words, run the tests sequentially) made this particular problem go away, at the expense of HUGELY increasing time to run a full set of tests across all devices. (40 minute testing period ballooned to 2.5 hours)

I'm currently testing concurrent testing across a smaller group of devices/simulators to see how that works.

Basically moving to one each of 10.x, 11.x, 12.x with 12.x being real hardware and the other two being simulators.

I found once an error log for a simulator which referenced a DIFFERENT simulator running the same OS version, so it started to make me wonder if Xcode 10 has its wires crossed on "which simulator is doing what."

Maybe multiple devices on the same OS version causes this problem? (a working theory)