ARSCNView How to stop the SCNSceneRendererDelegate from Updating

I have a ViewController with an ARSCNView. I would like the ARSCNView to not update (ie not call SCNSceneRendererDelegate's

func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {

) and so in that respect function like a normal UIView.

So I can activate the updating functions when I need to start doing an actual ARSession with that view. Essentially what I'm trying to do is minimise on uneccesary processor usage as my ARSCNView has an SKView subview which I want to have smooth-as-possible updates on while the ARSCNView ARSession is not in use.

I've even tried keeping the ARSCNView's scene property to nil and only setting the scene when I'm ready to use it, but the SCNSceneRendererDelegate's update method still gets called!

How can I achieve this switching-off?


If you call pause() on the ARSession it will stop updating the session, and by extension the renderer delegate functions.