Obsolete sample code

All the samples that pertain to achievements, leaderboards, and game center authenticated are obsolete.

If you search the sample code in the documentation library on "GK" you get samples that are from 2009 to 2011:

GKLeaderboards, GKAchievements, GKAuthentication, GKRocket, GKTapper, GKTank.

When I load one of these in Xcode, I get deprecation warnings, which is not surprising of course, going by their age.

The only recent Game Center related code I have been able to find is "HelloGameKit" for WatchOS.

But I can't use this, because its in Swift, not Objective-C.

I know ObjectiveC is being phased out, but it would still be beneficial to have sample objC code for Game Center that is not using deprecated API calls.


> it would still be beneficial to have sample objC code for Game Center

Feel free to make a request via the bug reporter link below, adding your report # to your thread for reference, thanks and good luck.

I wouldn't hold my breath on this one, tho 😉


> I know ObjectiveC is being phased out, but it would still be beneficial to have sample objC code for Game Center that is not using deprecated API calls.

Nowhere has Apple suggested that ObjectiveC is being phased out. Apple has decided to run two parallel environments much to the disappointment of many. And they have failed to write new sample code in Objective C. Almost every line of Swift is translateable into one or two lines of Objective C.

My hope is for 1) world peace and 2) Apple to realize their error and drop Swift.