View GLKit objects in Debug in Swift project

I am working on a Swift/Metal project and want to use the GLKit library for vector and matrix maths. There is no issue integrating all the classes and function. But while debugging, I cannot see any of the properties of the GLKVector and GLKMatrix objects. As I cannot find any posts referring to this, I was wondering if I am missing something. Maybe a bug in XCode 9.4.1?


The GLKit maths structures are imported from C, and the C types are declared quite weirdly. For example,

is a typedef for
union _GLKVector4
, and that is defined as a bunch of anonymous cases:
union _GLKVector4
    struct { float x, y, z, w; };
    struct { float r, g, b, a; };
    struct { float s, t, p, q; };
    float v[4];
} __attribute__((aligned(16)));

Swift deals with this surprisingly well, but it’s clear that it doesn’t emit enough debugging metadata to allow the debugger to display the contents nicely.

You should definitely file a bug about this; please post your bug number, just for the record.

In terms of workarounds, there’s a bunch of possibilities:

  • It may be possible to work around this using a summary format (control click on the variable in the debugger to see the editor for that). Alas, I wasn’t able to get that to work in a Swift context.

  • You can definitely view the values as a custom type:

    1. Select the variable in the debugger.

    2. Control click and choose View Value As > Custom Type.

    3. Enter a custom type. To continue my

      example, this would be
      (v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w)
    4. In the new item, click the disclosure triangle to see the elements.

  • You can print the variable in the debugger console:

    (lldb) p v.x
    (Float) $R10 = 1
    (lldb) p v.y
    (Float) $R12 = 2
    (lldb) p v.z
    (Float) $R14 = 3
    (lldb) p v.w
    (Float) $R16 = 4

    That’s a bit cumbersome, so one option is to extend the type with your own

    extension GLKVector4 : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
        public var debugDescription: String {
            return "(\(self.x), \(self.y), \(self.z), \(self.w))"

    You can then print it all at once (using

    , not
    (lldb) po v
    (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)


There may be even better options I haven’t thought of, so I’m looking forward to see if anyone else follows up with some alternative suggestions.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Thank you for the detailed response. I forgot to mention that I was testing this in 9.4.1. I since have upgraded to 10.0 abd found that the issue is still there. I have reported this as a bug here:

For now I can use the immediate window to print the contents.