Xcode 10 Simulator problem: didUpdateLocations not called

Hi there!

Just updated from Xcode 9 to Xcode version 10.0 (10A255).

Did a build and ran my app in the Simulator (iPhone X - 12.0 and iPhone SE - 12.0).

In the Simulator I select: Debug -> Location -> Freeway drive (default).

I starting tracking by calling 'locationManager.startUpdatingLocation()'.

However, NOTHING HAPPENS HEREAFTER, i.e. the CLLocationManagerDelegate function 'didUpdateLocations()' never gets called.

Everything worked fine before the Xcode update.

Any help is appreciated!


Klaus Kyrsting


I have exactly the same problem. I'm SOL with running Xcode 10 Simulator to create, test, or debug GPS apps and Mapping.

Ok, I'll report this as a bug.

FYI: "Engineering has determined that your bug report (44590480) is a duplicate of 44734759 and will be closed."

Temporary solution: by coincidence I discovered that if I in the simulator choose a 'Custom Location' and then go back to e.g. 'Freeway Drive', this kicks the simulator alive and the 'didUpdateLocations()' gets called.

Xcode 10.1 - same problem / no change

Please allow me to refresh the issue: has anyone found a solution or workaround? It bothers me I can't test tracking in the Simulator, and I can't make any demo videos of Tracking with my app! Oh, how I miss those Freeway Drives and City Runs!

To whom it may concern: the missing functionality concerns the built in simulator (for iOS 12.1). By downloading previous simulators I found out, that the newest that works for me is the iOS 11.4 version. The 12.0 version has same problem as the 12.1 version in Xcode 10.1

This workaround didn't work for me.